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Saturday, 2 June 2018

7 Biggest Mistakes While Looking For Cars On Sale In Nigeria

Hi Guys,
Make sure you won’t make these mistakes while looking for cars on sale in Nigeria.
Now that you have saved up enough money for a car, the buying phase can be very exciting
However, it is also no less challenging so you might end up overpaying by millions of Naira or bringing home a car you aren’t happy with down the road.
We recognize that situation and have compiled a list of 7 biggest mistakes Nigerian car buyers commit, along with suggestions on how to avoid them.
Let’s check it out
1. Stick to a single model and you may miss better options of cars on sale in Nigeria

The today’s Nigerian automobile market is so diverse that sticking to a sole model may be an unwise buying approach.
Of course, you might have a specific model in mind already, for instance, many Nigerian buyers like Toyota Camry, Toyota Corolla, Honda Accord, Lexus RX, Volkswagen Golf and Mercedes-Benz E350.
However, if you visit online car marketplaces such as Naijaauto – a leading platform for car buying and selling with the largest number of car listings in Nigeria, you will find a broad range of viable options that offer similar or even better features and prices, so don’t be so fast to limit your choices.

2. Not knowing what you want and it’ll take much longer to find the right car for you

While it is unwise to insisting on a single model, not having an idea of what you want in your next ride is just as much unproductive buying strategy.
Before you really start your car hunt, at least you should have your preferences of body style, condition, age and an estimated budget.
Having all these criteria in mind, you save time and energy on the cars that are way too far from your needs and taste.

3. Forgoing the research and you miss a wealth of useful information of cars on sale in Nigeria
A car is not debatable a significant investment so you won’t want to mess it up.
Beside your own experience, your friends’ opinion, there are such reliable sites as providing a rich resource of information including car brands and models, pricing, reviews, as well as car buying tips that ensure you are better equipped for a car hunt.

4. Buying in a haste is unwise, especially when it comes to car
It is all so tempting to buy the car you’ve dreamed of for very long time right away.
However spending the money you have saved for years in a wink is not advisable. Even the car looks flawless, it is important to spend sometime scrutinizing it for worn out parts and possible defects before parting with your money.
It is harmless to express some hesitation, you might get a better deal later on.

 5. Paying in advance – the biggest mistake while seeking for cars on sale in Nigeria
The most important rules when shopping for cars online in Nigeria is never pay for anything in advance.
One of the old trick of hooked salespeople is that you need to pay for the handling or delivery and surprisingly enough, many car shoppers still fall victim.
If you find the car you like, contact the salesperson, arrange a meeting and see the car in flesh.

6. Foregoing the test drive and you are likely to end up in remorse
A long enough test drive is key to get a well-functioning car. While you instantly know you like a car, problems can emerge only after 20-30 minutes or even longer of test drive.
Issues can range from uncomfortable seats, strange driving position to a noisy engine, all of which can cause nuisances for years ahead.
A recent poll finds as many as 20% used cars buyers skip test drives before making the purchases and 80% of them suffer remorse for different defects of the cars. Don’t be one of those buyers.

7. Say yes to salesperson you don’t trust and you will regret later on
If a seller makes you feel uncomfortable in anyway, give yourself the right to walk away
People sometimes buy things from salespeople they don’t really like or trust. Worse still, some of us buy from salespeople because we feel sorry for them.
If you are one of those people, remember this is a serious business deal, and its ultimate purpose is you getting the right car.
If a seller makes you feel uncomfortable in anyway, be it he is too pushy, he doesn’t seem to be honest or he doesn’t know much about the car he is selling, give yourself the right to walk away.

With major purchase like buying a car, it always pays to be well informed and prepared.
With our list of the most colossal mistakes while seeking for cars on sale in Nigeria, hopefully you’ll find the right car for you and your family, and get the best value for your hard-earned money.

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